In 2019, clinics who dealt with primary care, pain management or substance abuse disorders saw drastic increases in urine samples testing positive for potentially fatal drugs:.The average life expectancy in the United States actually declined between 20 due to opioid overdose deaths, only increasing 0.16% to 78.93 years in 2019.Drug overdose deaths involving synthetic opioids such as fentanyl, fentanyl analogues, and tramadol increased by 10% between 20.
17,029 deaths were prescription- opioid-related.In 2017, 67.8% of the 70,237 drug overdose deaths were opioid-related, including:.Between 1999-2017, over 700,000 people died of drug overdoses in the US.From 2012 to 2015, the US saw a 264% increase in synthetic opioid (other than methadone) deaths.
The number of overdose deaths increases at an annual rate of 4.0%. Over 70,000 drug overdose deaths occur in the US annually. Exposure to prescription opioids increased 93% each year over a 9-year period.įor more information, see our report on the opioid epidemic.Īccidental drug overdose is a leading cause of death among persons under the age of 45. The exposure of children under 5 to marijuana increased by 148% over a 7-year period. 44% of cases were for children under the age of 5, including 5,300 exposures to heroin and fentanyl. The most common type of substance exposure reported to poison control centers is illegal or misused prescription opioids, with nearly 284,000 cases of exposure, including:. More than 75% of opium poppy cultivation occurs in Afghanistan. In Afghanistan, alone production reached 9,000 tons/year, an increase of 87%. Between 20, global opium production jumped 65% to 10,500 tons. In 2018, 51.3% of Americans obtained their illegal pain medication from a friend or relative. In 11% of US counties, there are still enough opioid prescriptions dispensed for every resident to have one. By 2018, the number had declined to 51.4 prescriptions per 100 persons. In 2015, opioids were still being prescribed at a rate that would medicate every American around the clock (5mg of hydrocodone every 4 hours) for 3 weeks. The national opioid prescription rate peaked in 2012 with over 255 million prescriptions, an average of 81.3 prescriptions per 100 persons. Taking opioids for a period longer than 3 months increases the risk of addiction 15 times- most persons in acute pain rarely need more than 7 days’ worth. Hydrocodone is the most popular prescription opioid, with 5.1 million misusers. 745,000 or 7.4% of opioid misusers abuse heroin 404,000 or 4.0% use heroin and prescriptions. 9.7 million or 96.6% of opioid misusers use prescription pain relievers. 1.6 million or 15.8% qualify as having an opioid use disorder. 10.1 million or 3.7% of Americans misuse opioids at least once over a 12-month period. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) finalized expansion of Medicare coverage to include opioid treatment programs delivering MAT (medication-assisted-treatment) effective Jan. New users introduced to drug abuse each year Substance 47% of young people use an illegal drug by the time they graduate from high school other users within the last 30 days include:. 70% of users who try an illegal drug before age 13 develop a substance abuse disorder within the next 7 years compared to 27% of those who try an illegal drug after age 17. Drug use is highest among persons between the ages of 18-25 at 39% compared to persons aged 26-29, at 34%. 5% of people in non-metropolitan, rural counties used illegal drugs compared to 20.2% of people in larger metropolitan counties. 22% of males and 17% of females used illegal drugs or misused prescription drugs within the last year. 2 million people or 24.7% of those with drug disorders have an opioid disorder this includes prescription pain relievers or “pain killers” and heroin).ĭrug abuse and substance disorders are more likely to affect young males. 8.1 million of 25.4% of illegal drug users have a drug disorder. 14.8 million or 10.6% of them have an alcohol use disorder. 139.8 million Americans 12 and over drink alcohol. If alcohol and tobacco are included, 165 million or 60.2% or of Americans aged 12 years or older currently abuse drugs (i.e., used within the last 30 days). 53 million or 19.4% of people 12 and over have used illegal drugs or misused prescription drugs within the last year. 11.7% of Americans 12 and over use illegal drugs. Drug Overdoses & Deaths | Drug Use Among Youth | Marijuana Use & Addiction | Opioid Epidemic | Marijuana Incarceration | Fentanyl Abuse | Prescription Drug Abuse | Alcohol AbuseĪmong Americans aged 12 years and older, 31.9 million are current illegal drug users (used within the last 30 days). People have used illicit drugs at least once.